Summary of the Book

The book revolves around a ten year old girl named Annemarie Johansen who is facing a mid-life crisis. With her oldest sister dead, her parents don’t exactly feel as happy as they used to be and now they find out that Germans are taking over Copenhagen, Denmark and putting all Jews in concentration camps. It’s the late 1930s and her only hope to save her best friend and neighbor who is Jewish from the Nazis is to put her own family’s life in danger. She is willing to take the risk and as a result, she’s currently hiding her friend Elle Rosen from the Nazis. Here close encounter with death is met many times. Once when the Nazis suspect her father of having a Jew hiding in their house, once when the Nazis partially raid Annemarie’s uncle Henrik’s farm house because a lot of people are gathered there, and the last time when she is sent by her mother to give uncle Henrik something suspicious in a basket made to look like lunch. This story tells the journey of a young girl through the late 1930s and how she comes to be such a brave young girl. She is able to save an entire family from death and that the best thing about this book!

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